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Homemade Coconut Milk

As I've grown older, I have noticed that my body cannot handle dairy in any form but has that stopped me from consuming diary, NO! However, I have began to try to cut my diary intake by introducing plant based dairy into my diet. For whatever reason though non dairy milk is extremely expensive where I live so I have started making it on my own. There is so much pleasure that comes from making your own milk and I get to process the chaff into flour that I use in my baked goods. It's honestly a win win situation for me. Because there are no added preservatives, I make a small batch at a time.

Recipe Yields 4 Cups

500g dried coconut  fruit

700g warm water


Peel the bark ( dark brown part of the coconut) using a vegetable peeler. Break/slice the coconut into smaller pieces.

Blend coconut and water on high speed until thick and creamy.

Place a cheese cloth/kitchen towel over a fine mesh sieve and pour the blended coconut mixture into it to strain. Squeeze the cheese cloth to get all the liquid out of the chaff. Store in the fridge for up to 1 week, just give it a shake when you're ready to use it because it will seperate.

Spread and dry the chaff for 24 hrs and process to make coconut flour

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